世界各国领袖等待测试奥巴马World Leaders Lay Out Tests For Obama

在美国总统选战临近结束的那几周,奥巴马(Barack Obama)的竞选搭档拜登(Joe Biden)警告说,世界很快就将测试一位年轻、相对没有经验的总统。 奥巴马携夫人于周二抵达伦敦“很快”已经变成了“现在”。 俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫(Dmitry Medvedev)周二在《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)撰文说,只有奥巴马在美国一系列现行政策上做出让步,俄、美关系才会回暖。奥巴马和梅德韦杰夫计划周三举行二人间的首次会晤。 据一位知情人士说,两人会晤后发表的联合公报有可能涵盖美、俄双边关系中的一系列问题,包括伊朗、朝鲜、导弹防御系统以及经济问题。据熟悉这方面情况的人士说,两位领导人有可能宣布美国和俄罗斯将恢复削减战略武器谈判。 与此同时,法国则警告说,如果本周举行的20国集团伦敦峰会不针对跨国银行业务拿出足够严厉的监管措施,法国总统萨科奇(Nicolas Sarkozy)有可能退出此次峰会。 中国政府近日已对美国政府大举借债的行为表示了担忧,甚至提议以一种全球货币来取代美元的国际储备货币地位。奥巴马也将于周三与中国国家主席胡锦涛会晤。 周二夜间抵达伦敦的奥巴马正迫不及待地要在国际事务上一试身手,他领导的政府上任两个多月以来一直忙于解决国内问题。而世界各国领导人似乎也急于要测试一下这位没有多少国际问题经验的总统。此次伦敦之行是奥巴马首次重要的外事出访。 奥巴马在欧洲的旅行经历只有大学时曾前往德国去看望他的同母异父妹妹,2005年时以国会参议员的身份出访欧洲,以及去年夏天在竞选总统期间的欧洲之行。 据奥巴马的助手们描述,这位总统近日更感兴趣的是重启削减战略武器谈判等秘密外交,而不是就银行跨国业务的监管以及惩罚避税天堂达成国际协议,而这类协议有可能成为此次20国集团峰会的重大成果。 美国外交关系协会(Council on Foreign Relations)研究跨大西洋关系的高级研究员戈德杰(James Goldgeier)说,这是一个非常困难的局面,因为美国依然是全球领袖,没有美国发挥领导作用,问题就得不到解决,但其他国家却不愿意照美国说的做。 法国政府似乎正在制造20国集团峰会上发生对抗的可能。法国财政部长拉加德(Christine Lagarde)周一在接受英国广播公司(BBC)采访时说,如果在全球金融监管方面没有取得进展,萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)总统将退出20国集团峰会。法国希望在对冲基金等领域采取比英美现有标准更严格的监管。 萨科奇的发言人后来似乎又出来打圆场,称萨科奇“并未威胁”要退出峰会。 据一位熟悉俄罗斯政府想法的官员说,梅德韦杰夫看来想从奥巴马那里获得他没能从布什政府得到的尊重。在导弹防御系统等俄、美双方可以讨价还价的问题上,梅德韦杰夫希望奥巴马能表现出灵活性。至于俄罗斯对格鲁吉亚的控制等俄、美双方无法消除分歧的问题,俄罗斯政府希望它们不要破坏两国就更广泛议题举行的对话。 一位美国官员将梅德韦杰夫在《华盛顿邮报》发表的言论称做克里姆林宫版的“重新开始”,奥巴马政府谈到它所期望的美、俄关系时一直在使用“重新开始”这个词。 In the closing weeks of his presidential campaign, Barack Obama's running mate, Joe Biden, warned that the world would soon test a young, relatively inexperienced president. 'Soon' has become 'now.' Russian President Dmitry Medvedev wrote in a Tuesday Washington Post op-ed piece that frosty U.S. relations would warm only if Mr. Obama backed off a range of U.S. policies. The two men plan to meet Wednesday for the first time. A person familiar with the matter said a communique to be issued afterward could cover a range of U.S.-Russia bilateral issues, including Iran, North Korea, missile defense and economic issues. The leaders could announce the resumption of Strategic Arms Reduction Talks, people familiar with the planning say. Around the same time, France warned that French President Nicolas Sarkozy could walk out of this week's meeting of the Group of 20 nations if the London summit fails to embrace stringent enough regulations on international banking. And in recent days, the Chinese government has raised concerns about U.S. government borrowing, even raising the idea of a global currency to replace the dollar as international finance's default trading option. Mr. Obama will meet Chinese President Hu Jintao Wednesday, too. Mr. Obama arrived here Tuesday night eager to try his hand at statecraft after the opening months of his administration were dominated by domestic policy. World leaders appear just as eager to test a president with little international experience who's arriving for his first major overseas trip. Mr. Obama's experience in Europe was a college visit to Germany to see his half-sister, a Senate trip in 2005 and last summer's tour through Europe as part of his presidential campaign. Obama aides describe a president animated in recent days by arcane corners of diplomacy, such as restarting strategic arms-control-reduction talks, rather than agreements on international banking regulations and tax-haven sanctions -- likely the big takeaways from the G-20 summit. 'This is a very difficult situation, because the U.S. is still the global leader, and problems aren't going to be solved without the U.S. leading the efforts to solve them, but other countries are not in the mood to do what the United States says,' said James Goldgeier, senior fellow for trans-Atlantic relations at the Council on Foreign Relations. The Sarkozy government appeared to raise the prospects of confrontation at the G-20. In an interview made available on the BBC's Web site Tuesday, French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde said Mr. Sarkozy would walk away from the G-20 meeting if no progress was made on global financial regulations, where France wants stricter standards in areas such hedge funds than the U.S. and U.K. Mr. Sarkozy's spokesman later appeared to backtrack somewhat, saying 'there is no threat' to leave the summit. Mr. Medvedev appears to seek the respect Russian leaders don't believe they were accorded by the Bush administration, said an official familiar with the Kremlin's thinking. Where there are issues that can be discussed, such as missile defense, Mr. Medvedev wants Mr. Obama to approach them with flexibility. Where differences cannot be resolved, such as on Russian domination of Georgia, the Kremlin wants such issues to not derail the broader dialogue. A U.S. official called Mr. Medvedev's public comments the Kremlin's version of a 'restart,' which is what the Obama administration has said it wants in its relations with Russia.


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